Most Frequently Asked Questions And Answers

Audiologist is a hearing healthcare professional, who specializes in

  • Performing Hearing Assessments
  • Performing Middle Ear Analysis
  • Prescribing and fitting hearing aids
  • Performing Industrial Hearing Screenings, prescribing ear protecting devices & planning hearing conservation programs
  • Performimg pre-op, intra-op & post op cochlear implant management
  • Conducting newborn hearing screening programs
  • Performing electrophysiological assessments such as Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs) & Auditory Brainstem Responses (ABR)
  • Providing hearing rehabilitation training such as
    • Auditory training
    • Speech reading
    • Listening skills improvement

A Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) is a person who specializes in the diagnostic procedures, evaluation techniques, assessment tools and various therapeutic techniques related to different communicative disorders (Diagnosing, Evaluating & Rehabilitating communication disorders)

You ideally visit a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) when there are speech and language disorders. Speech and language disorders can be seen across age ranges varying from pediatric to geriatric population

Speech and Language disorders are as follows:

  1. Stuttering
  2. Aphasia
  3. Voice Disorders
  4. Articulation Disorders
  5. Neurogenic Speech and Swallowing Disorders (Dysarthria, Apraxia, Dysphagia etc.,)
  6. Psychological, Emotional and Behavioral based Communication disorders (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder ASD, Intellectual Disability ID etc.,)

Yes, you can absolutely visit an Audiologist and Speech Language Pathologist (ASLP) directly. You do not always need a referral from other healthcare professionals to visit a qualified ASLP. Anybody with hearing issues and speech & language issues can directly walk-in to a hearing and speech clinic

You typically have to consult an Audiologist and get your annual hearing assessment done once a year after you turn 40 years of age or when you start noticing any signs of hearing loss.

10 commonly seen signs of hearing loss are as follows:

  1. Difficulty hearing over the telephone
  2. Trouble following the conversation when two or more people are talking at the same time
  3. People around you seem to be mumbling (no clarity in speech)
  4. You are told frequently that you talk too loudly
  5. People complain that you turn the TV volume up too high
  6. Have trouble hearing in noisy background
  7. Frequently asking people to repeat themselves
  8. Misunderstanding what others say and respond incorrectly
  9. Having trouble understanding the speech especially of women and children
  10. Difficulty locating the source of sound or pointing at the direction of the sound

Exposure to “Sudden Burst of Sounds” or “Loud Noises” for longer durations can damage the auditory nerve or hearing nerve and lead to permanent hearing loss. Protect your ears by turning down the volume or by moving away from loud noises or by covering your ears with hands or by wearing appropriate ear protecting devices prescribed by your audiologist (Eg: Ear Plugs, Ear Muffs, Noise blockers etc.,)

Yes, hearing loss can be detected in newborn babies. In fact, it is mandatory for every baby born to go through “Newborn Hearing Screening” without fail. If baby has hearing loss (and not hearing all the sounds necessary for speech and language development), there may be delayed speech and language development or dysfluent speech or may result in deaf-mutism.


In children, if hearing loss and Speech disorders are ignored and appropriate hearing aids are not provided, it may lead to ”Delayed Speech And Language” or ”Dysfluent Speech” or “Deaf-Mutism” accompanied by “Poor Self Confidence”, “Poor Academic Performance”, “Low Self-Esteem” & “Identity Crisis”

In adults, if hearing loss is ignored and appropriate hearing aids are not provided, the auditory nerve gets deprived of sounds for longer periods of time. This phenomenon is called “Auditory Deprivation” which results in the degeneration of the auditory nerve caused due to “Disuse Atrophy”

Early identification of hearing loss and use of appropriate hearing devices (Hearing Aids, Cochlear Implants, FM systems, Bone Anchored Hearing Aids, Assistive Listening Devices etc.,) can prevent all the above mentioned adverse effects in children and adults.


For individuals with bilateral hearing loss it is recommended to use hearing aids in both ears. Using two hearing aids not only puts both the auditory nerves back to its full function but also improves the overall “Perceived Loudness” of sounds which is called “Binaural Summation” and the ability to locate the source of sounds accurately which is called “Localization” and at the same time improve speech clarity in noisy places (like restaurants, marriage halls etc.,) which is called “Binaural Squelch Effect”

Due to “Social Stigma” towards hearing loss most individuals with hearing loss “Do Not” wear hearing aids which leads to a series of adverse effects on the individual’s “Mental Health” such as “Social Isolation”, “Stress”, ”Anger”,  “Depression” ,”Auditory Fatigue”, “Age Related Cognitive Decline”, “Poor Quality of Life” & “Dementia” or “Memory Loss”.


Yes, Individuals with long-standing hearing loss and “Auditory Deprivation” tend to develop certain behavioral shortcomings (bad habits) such as “Avoidance Behaviors”, “Maladaptive Behaviors” & “Compensatory Strategies” to cope with situations where they have to communicate with their friends and family. Once learnt it is difficult to “Unlearn” these undesirable habits or behaviors. Hence, it is advised to wear appropriate hearing aids as soon as the hearing loss is detected or diagnosed

No, hearing loss is not treated easily. Especially, for first time hearing aid users the brain needs a good 2-3 months time to adapt to hearing aids. This phenomenon is called “Acclimatization” or “Adaptation Time”.

Note that hearing aids are “Medical Devices” and not just another electronic device. Individuals with hearing loss should wear the right kind of hearing aids prescribed by a qualified audiologist (after undergoing a detailed hearing assessment). Wearing the wrong kind of hearing aids can result in “Tinnitus”, “Headaches”, “Ear Pain”, “Soreness”, “Auditory Fatigue”, “Tolerance Issues” and damage the auditory nerve permanently.